极光23爱心配饰手链 Auralite23 Crystal with Golden Love Charm Design Bracelet


SKU: DJG236M813SL3 Categories: ,

【极光23 Auralite23】 极光23 (Auralite23) 水晶内部还有23中稀有矿物而得名,被誉为地球上最古老的水晶(也有人叫它做水晶爷爷),能量非常强大。那它到底有多古老呢?形成时间超过1.2亿年! 是宝石收藏家必须收藏的宝石之一。 除了它全面功效从生意,事业,人际,钱财,健康方面,它是属于治愈系的水晶,是水晶当中能量最强,对应脉轮:三眼轮、顶轮。经常佩戴极光23水晶饰品可以缓解焦虑,减少抱怨、怨恨,使佩戴者精力充沛,心情愉快,元气满满。极光23水晶强大的磁场能量能给我们的生活带来意想不到的惊喜和感动!

【极光23 Auralite23】 Auralite 23 is a powerful crystal that combines the power of many minerals. The stone is believed to have the power to help you connect with your spiritual side. You might be able to connect to your spirit guide and find guidance. The stone is also said to balance all the chakras. When these chakras are aligned, you will surely feel your overall health improve. Additionally, it is believed that auralite 23 is a calming stone. If you tend to have frequent outbursts or can’t seem to control yourself, auralite 23 can help you. It is known to calm the wearer and facilitate better understanding and communication.

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