茶水晶的能量非常的平稳,所以对于情绪起伏不当的朋友来说,适合佩戴茶水晶手链来稳定人体的能量,让佩戴者能够保持一个稳定的环境,使得佩戴者给人们一种安全感哦。 如果女性佩戴茶晶手链,可以调解血气,活跃人体细胞,减缓老化速度,延续青春。 因为茶晶对应海底轮,所以茶晶有助于增强动力,提高事物物分析力,因此,茶晶手链可以让佩戴者保持冷静、理智,增强逻辑思维分析能力。
The energy of tea crystal is remarkably stable, making it suitable for friends experiencing emotional fluctuations. Wearing a tea crystal bracelet helps stabilize the body’s energy, allowing the wearer to maintain a steady environment and provide a sense of security to others.
For women wearing tea crystal bracelets, it can regulate blood circulation, invigorate body cells, slow down the aging process, and prolong youthfulness.
As tea crystal corresponds to the sacral chakra, it helps enhance motivation and improve analytical skills. Therefore, wearing a tea crystal bracelet enables the wearer to remain calm, rational, and enhance logical thinking and analytical abilities.