海蓝宝的功效: 1. 戴着海蓝宝石的坠子去旅行,漂洋过海,据说有使得风平浪静、一路平安的作用 。 2.当写作,创作文思受阻时,可以将海蓝宝拿在手中把玩,也可以用来按摩头部两侧的太阳穴,有助于恢复灵感,文思泉涌。
Efficacy of aquamarine: 1. Wearing an aquamarine pendant to travel
and cross the ocean is said to have the effect of making the sea
calm and the journey safe. 2. When writing or creating ideas are
blocked, you can hold aquamarine in your hands and play with it,
or you can use it to massage the temples on both sides of your
head,which will help restore inspiration and make ideas flow.