海蓝宝是阴历三月份的生辰 幸运石。 【生理作用】蓝色对应喉轮, 有助于加强沟通及表达能 力,对附近之喉咙、气管、甲状腺等器官极腺体具疗效 ,适合佩带在喉咙周围 。 【心理作用】常用海蓝宝作冥想与形而上的力量,可达 到某种程度的沟通,因而对时间及空间运用都能掌握, 是一种象征爱与和平的宝石.
Aquamarine is the lucky stone for those born in March of the lunar calendar.
[Physiological effects] Blue corresponds to the throat chakra, which helps to strengthen
communication and expression skills. It has curative effects on nearby organs and glands
such as the throat, trachea, and thyroid gland. It is suitable to be worn around the
throat. [Psychological effect] Aquamarine is often used for meditation and metaphysical
power. It can achieve a certain degree of communication, so it can master the use of time
and space. It is a gem that symbolizes love and peace.