Cherry Blossom Agate Bracelet Design 樱花玛瑙手链设计款


SKU: DYHMN8M815SL3 Category:

樱花玛瑙 被认为具有以下功效: 1. 美容养颜: 樱花玛瑙 被认为可以改善肤色,增加皮肤的光泽度和弹性,帮助保持年轻的外观。 2. 情感缓解: 樱花玛瑙 被认为有助于舒缓和消除紧张和焦虑的情绪,增强内心的平静和安宁。 3. 心灵保护: 樱花玛瑙 被视为具有保护的功能,可以增强人们的自信心和勇气,帮助人们克服困难.

Sakura Agate is believed to have the following effects: 1.Beauty:Sakura 
Agate is believed to improve skin tone, increase skin's gloss and 
elasticity, and help maintain a youthful appearance.2.Emotional Relief:Sakura 
Agate is thought to help soothe and eliminate tension and anxiety,
enhancing inner peace and tranquility.3.Soul protection:Sakura 
agate is considered to have protective functions,which can enhance 
people's self-confidence and courage and help people overcome difficulties.