Copper Rutilated Quartz and Tanzanite Bracelet Design 铜发晶坦桑石手链设计款


SKU: DTFJ10M816SL10 Category:

铜发晶比其他发晶优胜的地方,是它具有所有髪晶的功能, 有招财聚财和避邪化煞的作用 ,能量比较全面。 铜发晶具有强大能量,可加强气势,带给人积极旺盛的企图心、冲劲、胆识,加强一个人的信心及果断力,能带给人勇气,可助人投射出权威的能量,有助于领导人命令的贯彻与执行。 此外,也可以招主财、偏财;可去病气,对筋骨、神经系统有帮助。

The advantage of copper hair crystal over other hair crystals 
is that it has the functions of all hair crystals,including 
attracting wealth and avoiding evil spirits, and its energy 
is relatively comprehensive. Copper hair crystal has strong energy,
which can strengthen momentum, bring positive and vigorous ambition,
drive and courage, strengthen a person's confidence and decisiveness,
bring courage, help people project authoritative energy, and help 
Implementation and execution of leaders’ orders. In addition,
it can also attract wealth and partial wealth; it can remove disease qi,
and is helpful to the muscles, bones,and nervous system.