灰月光石的功效与作用主要有: 减肥,改善睡眠,美容养颜,增进情侣间亲密感,安抚情绪等 。 灰月光石首先它有减肥和改善睡眠的作用,月光石可以帮助大家改善睡眠质量,快速入睡,还可以改善皮肤,有美容的功效。
The main effects and functions of gray moonstone include: losing weight, improving
sleep,beautifying and nourishing the skin, increasing intimacy between lovers,
soothing emotions,etc.First of all, gray moonstone has the effect of losing weight and
improving sleep.Moonstone can help everyone improve sleep quality and fall asleep quickly.
It can also improve skin and have beauty effects.