碧玺因具体多种颜色水晶的灵性作用,所有具有调和五行的特性,说得通俗一些,就是缺啥补啥,调和五行。 招财衲福旺夫旺财,调和五行晶石中能量最强,是水晶家族中最聚财、聚福、辟邪的宝石,女性佩带更有旺夫旺财的功效,所以也有人称碧玺为“福晶”。
Due to the spiritual effects of crystals of various colors,
tourmaline has the ability to harmonize the five elements.
To put it more simply, it means to make up for what is
missing and harmonize the five elements. It attracts wealth,
brings good luck to husband and wealth, and has the strongest
energy among the five elements crystal stones. It is the
gemstone in the crystal family that gathers wealth,
brings blessings, and ward off evil spirits. Women wear it
more effectively to bring prosperity to husband and wealth,
so some people call tourmaline " Fu Jing".