Treasure Rose Quartz Heart Bracelet Design 多宝粉晶爱心手链设计款


SKU: DDB6M815SL17 Category:

功能: 1. 最佳的愛情石,令人散發着溫和而吸引人的粉色光芒 。 2.可以改善人際關係,改善急躁直率的與缺乏耐心的個性。 3.增加親和力,使人廣結朋友,促進人緣生意緣。

Function: 1. The best love stone, emitting a gentle and attractive 
pink light. 2. It can improve interpersonal relationships and 
improve impatient, straightforward and impatient personalities. 
3. Increase affinity, enable people to make friends,and promote 
popularity and business relationships.