Yellow Crystal 黄水晶


SKU: SJSHSJ858T5 Category:

黄水晶最主要的功能为 聚财,主偏财 。 企业家、商场、办公室或住家里面摆几个黄水晶,可以聚集财富因缘。 黄水晶是智慧与喜悦的象征,可以令我们充满自信,并有减轻恐惧、排除内疚感,所以对于比较神经质的人有良好的镇定及平稳作用。 黄水晶对于胰脏和内分泌神经系统也有疗效,对糖尿病者更不可或缺,也可治疗肿胀和胃抽筋。

The most important function of citrine is to gather wealth and 
focus on partial wealth. Placing a few citrines in 
entrepreneurs, shopping malls, offices or homes can gather 
wealth and karma. Citrine is a symbol of wisdom and joy.
It can make us full of confidence, reduce fear and eliminate 
guilt, so it has a good calming and stabilizing effect on 
neurotic people. Citrine is also effective for the pancreas 
and endocrine nervous system, and is indispensable for 
diabetics. It can also treat swelling and stomach cramps.