Gold thread jade bracelet design 金丝玉手链设计款


SKU: DJSY9M819SL3 Category:

辟灾通灵功能 ;金丝玉的产品每一块都经过沙子数亿年磨砺形成。 亿年间吸收天地精华,每一块都具有一定的灵性,有招财、辟邪保平安的作用。 2、祛病健身功能:人手部的穴位有99个,长期把玩有棱角的金丝玉刺激穴位可以治疗一些慢性疾病。 它们本身含有多种微量元素,长期佩带把玩有益健康。

Disaster prevention and psychic function; each piece of Jinsi Jade 
products is formed after hundreds of millions of years of sand 
grinding. After billions of years of absorbing the essence of 
heaven and earth, each piece has a certain spirituality and 
has the function of attracting wealth, warding off evil spirits 
and ensuring peace.2.Disease-removing and fitness functions:There 
are 99 acupuncture points on human hands. Long-term stimulation 
of the acupoints by playing with the angular golden silk jade 
can treat some chronic diseases. They themselves contain a 
variety of trace elements, and wearing them for a long 
time is good for your health.