中國人多喜愛佩戴翡翠,因它有 吉祥、辟邪及保平安的意義 。 翡翠本是一種雀鳥的名稱,而翡翠鳥的羽毛,雄性是赤紅色,雌性是翠綠色的,色澤非常艷麗。 由於自然界產出的翡翠多為綠色和紅色,漸漸“翡翠”這一名詞由鳥禽轉為玉石的名稱了.
Many Chinese people like to wear jade because it has the meaning of good luck, warding off
evil spirits and ensuring peace. Jade is originally the name of a bird, and the feathers
of the emerald bird are red for the male and emerald green for the female. The color is
very bright. Since most of the jadeite produced in nature is green and red, the term "jade"
gradually changed from the bird to the name of jade.